
Finally, the blonde who was called appropriately "Jugs" relented and left to locate Rosita even though she was definitely not enthused about it. There was some soft Spanish mood music playing low in an unobtrusive manner and I followed her instructions to strip down in her absence hoping she was not just mollifying me and had no intentions of bringing Rosita back to join our party. I could hear the couple next door yelling at each other in dirty slang that would embarrass the most perverted ears in hearing range. It got quiet for a moment and then I heard the unmistakable sound of a heavy belt being applied to the soft flesh of one of them with vicious enthusiasm. It must have been the female because a high wailing female voice started to plead for respite even though her partner was just starting to get into the swing of things. I could translate pretty easily because the walls were paper thin and the sound carried like they were standing right next to my massage table."Oh, please. And again and again. Checking there was definitely no-one around I lifted his head up while I slid my jeans down to my ankles and he immediately cupped my balls and started playing with them while his sucking speeded up. It can't have been any more than 5 minutes before I knew it wouldn't take much more so I warned him I was close to cumming in case he wanted to stop and maybe finish the job by hand, but he just kept going and in a matter of seconds I shot streams of my hot spunk straight into his mouth hitting the back of his throat. Not that I could see, but it felt like a pretty big load and I wondered if he might gag, but credit where credit's due, he took everything I gave him like a true cumslut!As he sat back up again he looked at me and did the universal mouth signal as if to proudly say "All gone!". Paul and Kim stayed together for about another year but the threesome never did happen, and I can't remember us even speaking about it again. I have a feeling that maybe the main.
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